Child abuse
All children are precious
their little hearts, body and minds are precious
to the ones whose innocence was taken away from a early
I hear you
it happened to me too
I believe you
what happens in the dark in the night or at any time
will eventually come to light
it takes time
young child
what can we do
right now to help you?
you probably don’t have all the words to articulate what’s
happening to you
it’s child abuse
it’s disgusting
it sickens my stomach to know you are hurting
at 5 my fragile body was scarred
I empathise, and know that what you are going through right
now is hard
those people who hurt us make life more challenging for us
I can’t make any promises to you but I can say
life doesn’t have to be this hard
though it will be hard to find people to trust
this situation is extremely tough
the pandemic is taking its toll on all of us in different ways
I wish I could save you
we all need to look deep inside
to see what’s happening behind closed doors
for me it happened at home
the place that’s meant to be safe and secure was the place my
virginity was taken away
young child
I want to help you
so many barriers prevent us from helping you
someone needs to save you
it doesn’t matter what anyone in your future says
you are brave
courage comes in many forms
you are courageous
something needs to be done to help you NOW!
but how?
This poem is from Andreena’s collection called Charred. The full collection can be purchased via Amazon here.
North West Sexual Violence Awareness Week 25 – 29 November 2024
A week dedicated to raising awareness of sexual violence services across North West England and how you can access them.
Read More£1.5 million Safer Streets Funding announced across the North West to tackle violence against women and girls
£1.5 million has been successfully secured from the UK Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund for projects that will tackle violence against women and girls and increase the feeling of safety for residents.
Read MorePolice and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire on sexual violence support services
John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, explains his role and the commissioned services across the county.
Read MoreAbout Us
This website was developed in collaboration with North West Police Crime Commissioners, NHS England, and Sexual Assault & Abuse Services.
The North West SAAS Partner Network (Strategic Direction for Sexual Assault and Abuse Services) is led by NHS England and covers Cheshire, Merseyside, Cumbria, Greater Manchester and Lancashire.